"Famous Jewish person from my country" and "Kelly Degnan's trip to Georgia" - Ketevan Putkaradze, a Progress schoolar, dedicat...
The American International School of Progress was represented at the "HR Business Summit 2023" organized by the HR hub in Biol. Nino...
Nina Chikvashvili, the founder and brand author of the American International School Progress, presented the "Progress Supreme Award" to US...
Student registration for the UN Modeling International Conference, which will be hosted at the United Nations headquarters in New York from March 12 t...
სამახსოვრო ფოტოები, ორენოვანი სერტიფიკატები და ქუდების ცაში ასროლა - მე-4 კლასების საზეიმო გამოსაშვებ საღამოს პროგრესის სკოლების დამფუძნებელი და გენერ...
American International School Progress will be presented at a business summit organized by HR Hub in Biol on July 14 at 15:00. Progress Schools&...
? The founder and general director of Progress Georgian-American International Schools, Nina Chikvashvili, attended the American Independence Day even...
Georgian-American School Progress Batumi Summer School program offers students the opportunity to enhance their physical, intellectual, critical think...
Student registration for the essay contest "Democratic future of my country" has started. Public and private school students of classes X, X...